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Property Expert Joanne Lavelle gives top advice to House Sellers

Are you preparing your house for sale? Here are the 6 most important things you need to do NOW.

  • Declutter Declutter Declutter. No matter how tidy and organised you are, your home will need a bit of a clear out. Try to clear as many surfaces as possible – especially in the kitchen, and create as much floor space as possible. That might mean a small step like investing in some smart storage boxes, or, if your house is full to the brim, putting some big items into storage while you’re on the market.
  • Curb appeal – prospective buyers will form their first impression the moment they arrive outside – so make your outside work! Cut that grass, paint those window sills, fix the garden fence – so that your garden doesn’t scream MAINTENANCE.
  • Get your paperwork ready in advance: if you’ve extended, get your planning exemption or compliance cert ready; get your BER done, get your boiler serviced. Got a mortgage? Instruct your solicitor to request the Title Deeds from your mortgage provider as that can add weeks to the legal process.
  • WFH is a massive factor in this process – WFH needs 2 things: a workspace and wifi. If you don’t already have a workspace, it’s worth investing a little time and cash in creating one – even if it’s under the stairs. And let your agent know what wifi speed you have as viewers will ask.
  • Never ignore your nose! If a house is smelly, that’s incredibly off putting, so put in the extra effort to make each room (especially the kitchen and bathroom) beautiful to the eye and the nose!
  • Try to look at your house through the eyes of a stranger – or better still, ask a very honest friend to walk through. Look for repairs that will otherwise distract a viewer. And if a room badly needs to be painted, then it’s worth putting in the effort. The better your house looks, the better it will perform on the market, and the more it will appeal.

Joanne explains: We want to be able to show your house looking its best. Buyers don’t want to be distracted by a messy laundry room or a smelly loo! So be ready for your viewings. A good looking house will always out-perform one that’s not been properly prepared for sale.

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