We’ve brought autumn into the house with beautiful oranges and browns, gourds and pumpkins. Some of us have even bedecked the garden with bones, ghosts and gremlins, but we’re now safely into early November, and the word that is on everyone’s lips is, of course, Christmas! The shops are already putting their festive windows up, and radio and TV commercials are tugging at our heart – and purse -strings. So the big question: “When will you put the tree up?” is currently overtaking “What’s the weather forecast?” in our day to day chatter. Here in Ireland, there are a few big occasions that arguably demand a bit of tinsel and the smell of a Christmas candle. With all these occasions, decorating and shoppingto plan for, here is my Christmas calendar for 2022
The holiest of all Christmas dates regardless what the age of people in your family, many households will be suitably decked in time for Tubridy to jump about in fancy dress and silly jumpers. As a general decorating note, most large stores have been flogging decorations since August, so if you’re hoping to buy any baubles this year, you’d better bag them well before The Late Late.
We have our American Cousins to thank for this new Christmas festival. Now more a month-long occasion than a single day, these events are the dates when retailers beguile us with promises of savings, discounts, treats and thrills. Sharpen your elbows, get comfortable shoes on and you’re your wallets at the ready, folks! Note for extra feel good and all round sound-ness, spend Black Monday cash with local independent retailers who are also looking for your support. But forget about ordering decorations online – unless of course you’re planning for Christmas 2023!
OR…. to most of us, the big outing to the big smoke to do the Christmas shopping (City dwellers beware)! This is the occasion when families load into cars, trains and buses and take to the nearest city to empty their pockets and drive themselves to distraction figuring out the perfect gifts for their nearest and dearest! This is also the date that many households believe the bauble angels approve of decorating without fear of heavenly reprisals, so if you’ve resisted the Late Late pressure, this is likely the Big Decorating Day.
In decorating terms, the opportunity for people to actually decorate themselves for Christmas and head to the pub. Public service announcement: no prizes for silly jumpers, but it’s always good for an Insta-laugh!
No words for this cohort of Decorators, really. Let’s face it, if you haven’t spent hours untangling Christmas lights by now, you’ve got to question your motivation, Humbug!
For those who have successfully, completed their Christmas present shopping and decorating, this is an ideal day to take the train to Dublin, and-walk around with a smug look on your face watching last minute shoppers punch each other for the last available pair of Santa socks in Penneys!
FYI if you happen to come across Bono crooning on Grafton St, keep it to yourself please: I’m too busy in Smyths Toystores searching for the toys my kids have just told me they’re expecting from Santa! So after all these shopping events, you’ll be doing well to have everything done in time rip to put a glass of milk out for the Big Man in Red on December 24th.
My advice? A pair of Christmas Pj’s will do just fine for the Late Late Toy Show. Keep Christmas firmly in December and unfriend any Facebook friends who post / brag about their tree being up before November 30th!
by Joanne Lavelle of Michael Lavelle Estate Agents – Originally Published in the Dundalk Democrat Newspaper